Capturing Twins

As a twin mom, I just love working with twins! I have had the pleasure of working with a lot of twin moms over the years and it so fun connecting with them! This session sure did bring back a lot of memories.

So, how is it different photographing twins? For one, more stuff! As you can expect, double the babies, means double the props, wraps, and accessories. For this session, mom wanted a lifestyle feel. With these sessions, I arrive at your house with everything I might need to capture beautiful, organic, images. We start with family and siblings. Letting everyone snuggle and kiss on babies!

I also bring several props with me and then do a shorter version of studio shots. Using natural light means the images might look slightly different then they do in studio (generally, a little warmer and darker). I do bring some artificial light to help with light, if needed!

With twins, I will generally need a little bit of help! So, while I swaddled one baby, mom finished up feeding the other! Twins will occasionally take more time, just simply because it's an extra feeding, extra diaper change, and extra wrapping!

Once I have the prop set up, I will generally try to set up the calmer baby first. If one is a little less drowsy, I will give them a little extra time rocking, swaddling, and with the sound machine! Then, I place the second baby in the prop. Most of the time, just being next to their twin helps settle them. Which is always amazing to watch!

Once both babies are are settled in, I will make any necessary adjustments to their wraps, accessories, hands, and feet! In this session, brother was slightly larger in size and calmer, so you'll notice his arms are around sister! He was placed in the props first and I let sister settle in next to him.

Often times with twins, they arrive early! So, if you are a twin parent looking for photographer, a few other things to consider! While I don't do anything differently for twins in terms of sanitizing, I always make sure that every newborn session is as safe as possible! Currently, I wear a mask at every session, I wash my hands before you arrive to the studio or I sanitize my hands prior to coming into your home. All my wraps are washed in between sessions. For anything that can not be washed, it is sanitized with a Lysol spray and set aside to dry thoroughly. My studio is cleaned in-between session. I am also up to date on all of my vaccinations, including TDAP and flu every year. I am also CPR certified. Lastly, I am certified for newborn photography safety! While all of these things are important for any session, they are especially important for preemies!

While working with twins might make some nervous, it is one of my favorite types of sessions!
